Why is Everybody OOHing About DOOH?

Why is Everybody OOHing About DOOH?

Out-of-home advertising (OOH) mediums have been an integral part of advertising campaigns from the beginning. It started with billboards, gantries, but with improving city infrastructure we can see unipoles, megapoles, lamp posts, etc. Digital out-of-home commonly known as (DOOH) is replacing traditional paint-paper-poster with digital screens that can be operated remotely.

DOOH not only minimizes labour but also the time to go live with the campaigns is drastically reduced. Simultaneously the screens become a shared economy for shorter durations which also brings down the leasing cost.

As the race beings to become smart, cities around the world are implementing digital screens to enhance the aesthetic and infrastructure of the city. The need to be digitally connected and providing ease, convenience to the city has extended to be a part of smart governance. But have you ever wondered why DOOH is gaining traction from advertisers?

Out-of-Home media is one of the most preferred media channels by brands accounting to around 13% of the total ad budgetWhile digital accounts for one-third of the total ad spend on OOH, it is growing rapidly. Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) is the second fastest-growing medium.

1. Hard to Miss

Digital Landscapes are an upcoming medium in all the cities across the world. Not only does it enhance the city infrastructure but also allows advertisers to play their ads on massive screens on the road. Its ability to play video, showcase eye-catching content, customer engagements makes it “hard to miss”. While DOOH is hard to miss it also registers in the mind subconsciously.

2. Cross Targeting & Retargeting

If the ad is missed on DOOH screen, mobile integration with DOOH will ensure the ad pops up on mobile. Advertisers are thrilled with this new blend of cross targeting as it brings more contextually relevant and data-driven campaigns. Mobile integration with DOOH uses approaches like geofencing, hyperlocal targeting, cross-device strategies, action-based creatives to offers a platter of options to the brands. For brands it is no longer about just targeting the audience, it is about retargeting and cross targeting through right mediums.

3. Increased Effectiveness

Programmatic DOOH (pDOOH) is an approach that brings in contextual dynamism, time relevancy, and selective geography. It is observed that dynamic creatives are 48% more effective. The whole idea of being present at the right time and place is through a programmatic approach. pDOOH plays the ad at the time and place relevant to the audience. Google started a campaign “Make the Most of Summer” where they displayed most searched terms on google when the temperature went up, like “Best ice-cream near me, “parks near me”, etc.

4. Optimised Investments

The success of any campaign is measured through the metrics defined before launching the campaign. In DOOH, impressions, dwell time, conversions are some of the basic metrics provided. Few other companies provide deeper metrics like the mood of the audience, the age bracket, etc.

The approach to choosing DOOH for campaigns is data-driven. Data collected through the screen provides insights into audience demography targeted during the day. Through these data points, advertisers can make informed decisions while selecting DOOH screens for an ROI-driven approach.

As advertisers are moving towards performance-driven marketing, DOOH space is also leased at Cost Per thousand Impressions (CPM).

5. Video Advertising

DOOH is another medium of “one to many” mass communication channels. It gives advertisers the ability to play video ads on massive screens and an opportunity for increased customer engagement. The chances are higher for the audience to notice a video ad on the DOOH screen.

DOOH is evolving rapidly, in the next few years, the global market is expected to grow to USD 15.9 billion by 2027 from USD 6.7 billion in 2019. There are upcoming platforms that provide array of technologies in line with DOOH like Real-Time Bidding, Mobile Targeting, Time Slicing, Weather-Based, and much more. With the changing market dynamics and ongoing covid pandemic a strong shift in the marketing strategy is expected. With brands becoming more aggressive and target oriented. These changing dynamics have a higher potential to propel the adoption of OOH to DOOH at a pace faster than anticipated earlier.